recommendations reading article blogs
A collection of articles I have really enjoyed, those that I want to keep going back to.
blogs recommendations academia
A list of the blogs I follow along with my favourite posts.
reading recommendations review
I decided to read at least one Kannada novel in a year.
academia journalism interviews article
An interview-based article on work-life balance of PhD students and lab culture in IISER Pune.
scicomm books article
An essay that focuses on inadvertent biases in the interpretation of mating behaviour and discusses the idea of concealed ovulation.
scicomm article books
Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, letting others care for their young. It may seem lazy to abandon parental duties, but my article shows how life is hard for the cuckoo too.
article journalism interviews
Vasudha Kulkarni, Akash Dutta, Dhrubojyoti Patra, Shaswat Nair, Koustav Halder