Digital garden of longform articles

My friend Divyansh, introduced me to the idea of digital gardens – a digital garden is your corner of the internet, a place for you to explore and write about what interests you, just because it interests you (Here and here are a couple of really creative digital gardens on books!). I fell in love with the idea immediately. While other bloggers have done wonderful things with this idea, I just wanted to create a digital garden of all the longform articles I’ve enjoyed and loved. I truly enjoy reading good writing, especially when the author is narrating a story. And when I read a great article on the web, I tend to bookmark it, send it to myself on email or share it with my friends. But ultimately, they end up being scattered across platforms. So, this blog is a collection of all the longform articles I’ve loved, those that I want to keep going back to. Let me know which one you liked best!

Top 3 Recommendations

  1. Looking for Alice by Henrik Karlsson on his blog, Escaping Flatand. An incredibly personal article on how he found his partner, Joanna.
  2. Listen to Her by T.R. Shankar Raman on his blog, View from the Elephant Hills. Raman, an Indian ecologist and conservationist, who has worked on restoring forests in the Western Ghats, read books only by women for an entire year in 2019.
  3. Troops by Monika Mondal on Fifty-Two. An on-site analysis of human-wildlife conflict in urban India. “Monkeys and humans are fighting for space in Indian cities. Right now, it doesn’t look like a winnable war.”

A list of articles, in order of when I read them -