About Me


I am Vasudha (she/her) :book: :ant: :rainbow: :coffee:

I’m a PhD student – a scientist-in-training – at the Institute of Science and Technlogy Austria (ISTA). I am interested in understanding the evolution and dynamics of social behaviour in group-living animals, with a particular fascination for ants. I want to uncover the underlying behavioural rules that lead to emergent social behaviour at the colony level despite the lack of any top-down instructions. In order to study collective behaviour, I want to use controlled experiments, quantitative behavioural analysis and mathematical modelling approaches to identify underlying patterns, build theories, and make further predictions.

My interest in this feild was sparked during my studies and research projects at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India. In May 2024, I graduated with a BS-MS degree, majoring in biology, from IISER Pune. I did my master’s thesis project with Prof. Judith Burkart at the University of Zurich, where I implemented a 3D automated tracking pipeline to study postural synchrony and gaze following in common marmoset dyads engaged in a cooperative task. You can read more about my research projects here.

In addition to my interest in scientific research I’m also an avid reader, reading and re-reading books - everything including fantasy, historical fiction, popular science, romance, memoirs, books on feminism, caste and a whole lot more. I could spend days in a well-curated bookstore while convincing you to read the Stormlight Archive series. You can check out what I’m reading on my blog posts. I also enjoy playing boardgames (although I rarely win), walking through green parks (in good weather), and cooking Indian food (for myself, until I’m confident in my abilities!).